Cannot delete my subaccount
under review
Hi Vanessa H ,
Thanks for looking into it. I have joined Discord but I am not sure how to open a ticket there.
However, today I just read the docs about reclaiming rent said the subaccount should be idle for 3 hours or the estimated account lifetime is 13 days and would be able to be deleted. I tried again and can delete my subaccount now.
One point is, that I didn't recognize my subaccount is idle when checking the "Manage Subaccounts" tab, it would be better if we had brief info about the remaining time we can delete the subaccount. I was panicking since that subaccount was created yesterday by accident.
Vanessa H
Huy: Thanks for that feedback, we can definitely make that a bit more intuitive. Apologies for the panic it caused. We're working on improving the deletion process and hope to have that updated tomorrow.
Vanessa H: Looking forward to more Drift improvements, overall, good works!
Vanessa H
under review
Vanessa H
Hi Huy, are you able to join our discord and open a ticket? we might need more account information to pin point the exact issue.
here is what console logs showing when deleting my subaccount
It's "Drift Liquidity Provider" subaccount